Mental health doctor | Ancestral wisdom Navigator | future ancestor

Dr Britt

Resident Doctor specialising in Mental Health, navigating Ancestral and Indigenous wisdom to help elevate collective wellbeing. Further informed by lived experience with anxiety, depression and burnout and as an eldest daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunty, friend and future ancestor.

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  • Mentorship

    1:1 personalised and flexible support to address specific needs, problems or challenges, and ensure your actions align with your values and goals.

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  • Programmes

    Personalised, dynamic and guided support to maximise self-empowerment, optimise full embodiment and activate your biggest, baddest self!

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  • Workshops

    Educating, equipping and enabling self-empowerment, optimised wellbeing, and aligned purpose for groups and communities.

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  • Speaking

    Thought-provoking, authentic and inspiring speaker with special interest in topics related to elevating wellbeing, accessing ancestral wisdom, and the medical career pathway.

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